Our core values are quality and service, which have enabled us to build strong relationships with many multinationals in the industry.
We strive to provide exceptional service, prioritising customer care and transparency
in all our operations.

At GARVI INDUSTRIAL S.A. with more than 40 years of experience in the field of metal stamping, we are proud to be specialists in this area, especially focused on the automotive sector.

We are dedicated to sheet metal fabrication, offering high quality, customised manufacturing solutions for a wide range of industrial applications.

Our commitment to quality is backed by our extensive experience in the sector. At Garvi Industrial, we rely on our experience and expertise to give our customers the confidence they need when choosing us as their metal stamping supplier.

High-quality, customised manufacturing solutions.


Our focus is on ensuring that the parts we stamp meet the highest quality standards. We use state-of-the-art technology and follow rigorous manufacturing processes to ensure that each part meets the required specifications.


We work closely with our customers to understand their needs and tailor our stamping solutions to their specific requirements. Whether you need metal parts for the automotive, electronics, energy or any other industry, we are ready to provide you with high quality, customised solutions.


Our primary goal is to exceed our customers' expectations by delivering reliable, durable and accurate products. We are passionate about contributing to the success of your industrial projects by providing you with stamped parts that meet the highest quality standards.


Incorporating 3D printing into Garvi Industrial S.A.'s product development process provides benefits such as increased agility, custom design capabilities, cost reduction and improved decision making based on tangible evidence. This technology has the potential to drive innovation and keep Garvi Industrial at the forefront of the manufacturing industry.

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